December Status Report

December was pretty uneventful for me in NC, but in Ohio, a snowstorm hit. That was good for the tire business but terrible for the move. The focus starting off the month was primarily just getting everything packed and to Ohio, even if closing was delayed.

During the packing, the client that ended the contract started needing a ton of work done. However, I didn’t really care about it and had no motivation to pause on the packing to get everything done.

Once packed up and in Ohio, I still had to wait before getting the new house. Closing was originally scheduled for the day after I got back to Ohio, but I quickly knew that was going to happen. That Monday, however, I did sort out some of the issues I was facing, which at least gave me hope that we were close to closing.


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November Status Report

November started off on a Sunday, so it was slow. However, Monday started off with good news that was basically the hold-up to closing on the investment deal. However, Tuesday, everything was pretty much shut down for the election. That really didn’t help anything.

The house still seems a ways away from closing so I am considering a run back to NC. That would give me time to start packing, get the mail, and sell off things I don’t want to move. I also received notice that another client contract would end at the end of the year. Normally, I would be fine with it, but coming off last month with a contract ending, this means on January 1st, I will only have one client.


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October Status Report

October started off with me still in Ohio. At the end of the two weeks in Ohio, the deal still wasn’t completed. So I spent the third week in Ohio, despite the original plan being just one. I ended up going to an auction for a house in Ohio that, if I would have gotten it, I would have lived in.

I am heavily considering moving back to Ohio to be closer to the investment and get things going more with those. The auction, however, was terrible. The house was a complete disappointment and needed significant work. The problem with an auction is when I finally see the condition and know work is needed, I don’t have a lot of time to figure out the cost of the work. So when the bidding starts, I have to aim low in order to have enough reserves for the cost of the renovations.


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September Status Report

September didn’t start off too well. I had high hopes for everything to be back on track with the investments close to being finalized. None of that was the case. Investments were falling apart and my schedule was still completely screwed up.

To make things worse, I was still feeling sick. I did end up trying to get a doctor’s appointment, but with the whole Covid thing still going on, almost no one was seeing new patients. In order to establish primary care, I first had to schedule an appointment with a nurse. However, that wasn’t something I could get soon. I had to schedule for 2 weeks out.


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August Status Report

With August starting off on a Saturday, it was pretty uneventful. It was made even more boring by the fact that the investment deals are starting to take off, but go nowhere unless it’s normal business hours.

The first business day of the month had some investment deals moving, but client work was still fairly boring. The nice thing about August is it’s a big vacation month before school starts back up, so a lot of people are taking off.


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July Status Report

July at least started off better than previous months. However, with the first weekend being a holiday weekend, my schedule was screwed up. I don’t really know what happened, but on Friday, the 3rd, I slept almost the entire day.

At least I got back on track on Saturday, the 4th. Having it be a holiday actually helped with that, even though everything else I wanted to do was closed, including banks working on the investment deals.


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June Status Report

June didn’t start out as well as I hoped, but not nearly as bad as things have been going. It was also a slower start than what I was hoping for. However, it does feel like things are slowly getting back to normal.

I tried changing my schedule to make it easier to stay on track, but the first week in, it was already screwed up. I tried to get it back on track as soon as I could to avoid screwing up all of June. When my schedule gets off track, it gets really hard to get it back. I start sleeping at random times, then I have to stay up late to do the work I should have done while I was sleeping, and it’s a vicious cycle.


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May Status Report

May started off with a day full of meetings…not only from the new client but all clients. That lasted way too long, and then my sleeping schedule got all screwed up on Saturday, which made the start to the month terrible. The first week being screwed up didn’t help that it was also my first full week with the new client.

The first full week of the new client also happened to be the week another team member on an existing client was on furlough. I thought that would be a slower week, but that caused everyone to panic, making it a harder week for me than expected. At least the meetings started to die down, though.


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April Status Report

I had high hopes for April, but right from the start, it was nothing but a nightmare. Seemed like everything started to fall apart when I thought things would finally start coming together. Everything from investments to businesses to client work had problems.

To top it off, my schedule got all screwed up, and then I overslept nearly missing a client call. That ruined my schedule for the rest of the week before I was able to get back on track. Plus, the whole shelter-in-place order was extended, which is annoying, but I think it’s taking its toll on everyone else I deal with, as well. No one is happy and dealing with unhappy people all day is not fun.


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March Status Report

March started off well. On the 2nd, I got a call back from someone I originally talked to back in the days of trying to find new clients. They were finally ready to pull the trigger and wanted to know how soon I could start.

I told them I was coming off a contract on Friday, and they asked if I could start the following Monday, making no downtime between contracts. That was really the only thing that went well, though.


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