WIG Session: 17

The investment deal ran into some problems. It will now be delayed and may result in some additional fees that I will have to pay in order to get it moving again.

Also, it screws up my schedule again since I was planning on traveling to Ohio during Christmas, which made it easier since the client work would have been light.

On top of that, I really didn’t do anything else or bring in any additional revenue. I will almost definitely come up short on the goal. Looks like I pace about $20,000 per month, and with a 4-month timeline, I needed to hit $25,000, which I couldn’t do.


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WIG Session: 16

I got delayed getting back to North Carolina. After that, I mainly had to deal with the client that I took off from. There was some definite overreaction to my time off and some early meetings scheduled to calm everyone down.

There was nothing too major, though. I do have to do additional work that I normally wouldn’t with other people taking time off for Christmas starting as early as this week. With all the clients, the workload is definitely higher than a typical week. I am hoping things begin to slow down later this week into next, however.


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WIG Session: 15

I am writing this from New Jersey. Things started off terrible. I had plenty of notice that I was going on-site, so I figured I would take off from one client. Right when I was supposed to leave, they started complaining about that. They argued that the new contract wasn’t going to allow it.

I also had the investment deals I am trying to get wrapped up knowing I won’t have much time while in New Jersey. I was getting backed up with tasks and falling behind leading up to the airport to head here.


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WIG Session: 14

I am still coming up short, but I need to get ready to head back to New Jersey next week. This really hasn’t been a good week for me. I am still trying to complete the investment deals, and that’s something else that will be impacted by the trip.

I didn’t make as much progress as I hoped, but I made about as much as I expected. Even the client work was more effort than usual. A lot of people were out for Thanksgiving and will be out again for Christmas, so they needed everything done now.


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WIG Session: 13

These WIG sessions seem to have been going well, however, I am still over $16,000 short of where I need to be. That’s probably the point of doing this. It’s not so much as a guarantee that you will hit the goal, as much as it’s a way to tell ahead of time if you are on track to hit it.

I am clearly not on track and need to do something different. Looking back, I took money from my checking account that was basically just sitting there and moved it into the savings account. That’s how I managed to move more money early on. Now, the extra money in the checking account is gone, and the amount I am able to transfer is decreasing.


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WIG Session: 12

The investment plan is starting to fall apart. Trying to wrap up everything here on-site and then head to Ohio to complete the deal is no longer the plan. The only positive about that is I am getting a bit sick of traveling and will be happy to have an extra week at my apartment. However, I wanted the income the investment would generate.

That also means I have to deal with the fallout of the investment deal once I get back to my apartment. There are a few things I can do to help push it through, along with making other arrangements to get the deal done.

It’s going to be more work, and potentially more money, to actually do it. But I am still happy I get out of traveling to Ohio the week after I am done here.


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WIG Session: 11

I am not a real big fan of traveling. It’s probably because of how often I do it, or really, how often I don’t do it. The more frequently I travel, the better I get at knowing what to do, and the easier it is to justify buying new baggage, power banks, or anything else to help make it go better.

I will be really happy when all this is over, though. I did find out that I have to travel again next month, so I can start spending some money on things that will make travel easier knowing I have a couple more weeks planned.


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WIG Session: 10

Well, this was a weird week. I met the commitment, but it didn’t have the impact I was hoping for. I am thinking I picked the wrong commitment or at least didn’t define what exactly I needed to do.

With the commitment met, the needle didn’t really move, and I don’t feel like I am really any further along than last week.


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WIG Session: 9

This was one of the better weeks in terms of actually doing things, doing them early, and really focusing on what it would take the move the needle. However, it was also the worst week ever in terms of the amount that I could actually save.

I was able to make the last debt payment and the delayed client payment didn’t help things. This week was terrible, but I should be able to start saving more per week going forward.


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WIG Session: 8

I started this week off better prepared than the previous couple of weeks. I didn’t have any travel schedule or visits from my brother. I am 2 months in, behind schedule, and need to get something going.

I also didn’t wait for the last minute to try to accomplish anything. I didn’t actually accomplish as much as I wanted, but at least I am starting to things going without the constant distractions and disorganization.


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