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Blog Update

I finally got around to doing an upgrade to the site. It’s not actually what I had in mind, but it came out close enough! It’s at least better than the older, outdated version I had been running. I also need to update the About Me page with more recent developments.

The goal of doing some videos hasn’t really worked out. I would still like to do that, but I am not exactly sure when I will start. I am also thinking I need to add some type of challenge or goal, along with weekly updates. Not only were those the most popular parts of the site, it was also helpful for me to plan something and see the results.

Really, this blog upgrade was mainly just the style. Nothing about the content changed and will be changing…at least not yet. I do feel this format is getting a bit old.

With no goal, I should probably post more informational guides instead of the monthly income reports which have less to do about income recently and more about my current status.

If you have any ideas, I would be welcome to hear them!