Only a few eBay items sold. Client work wasn’t too bad since I am integrating with a system that wasn’t ready. I could really do anything I wanted and say I was done since the missing piece was needed to actually run the code and see a result. I did get some time to look at pre-launch material…and it was really disappointing.
The plugin I am trying to launch came with a sales page and other marketing materials. It even included an OptimizePress page. However, I don’t use OptimizePress, so I opened up the HTML sales page. It was clearly just the OptimizePress page opened and then saved.
The reason I know that is because the corner of the page says “Howdy, Admin” and it has the WordPress admin bar at the top. The people who made this didn’t think to log out of WordPress before saving the stupid page.
Plus, it was done on a Mac, so there are the weird invisible files that were added along with the double underscore in the file name. I had to do some clean up on the HTML just to get the page to render at all.
I am getting concerned that the quality of the product is too low to even attempt to release. I have a feeling a plugin was made, the idea of selling it for $27 wasn’t that great, so they included the sales page along with it and jacked the price up to $97 with white label rights knowing that very few people would actually do anything with it.
I am really hoping they at least tested the plugin thoroughly, but I don’t see any indication that would lead me to believe they did. Rushing into the sale will likely end badly, but so far, I haven’t given up hope on it.
I would like to get the sales page up and integrated with some type of ecommerce system that can generate the licenses so that when I turn start running traffic to the site, email opt ins won’t be the only thing it is set up for, but actual sales can also take place.
I am hoping I can get the client work all done early Friday and then spend the weekend getting ready for a possible launch, even if it’s low key to begin with just to get something else bringing in money.