Day 103: Slightly Better

Today went slightly better. First, I was told to come in after 10:00am so there would be someone to get me from the lobby. I also brought my phone charger with me. Other than that, though, it was pretty much the same. I sat in the room with a few other guys and then waited until I could go home.

For now, I am trying to work on client work to get ahead of that, so when real work does come in, I can spend more time getting everything set up instead of being rushed.

The new client doesn’t have a whole lot of work right now, though. I could be working a ton on that and getting some significant hours billed, but I get one task at a time, and then there is a delay before I get the next task.

So going into the office and just sitting isn’t a real efficient use of my time, but there’s not much I can do even when I get home. I have very little on eBay now, and I don’t really have any plan to ramp that back up, either.

I am not really sure what I could be doing to generate money to make up for the weeks of nothing. No internet is really limiting, and the new apartment kept me from ordering any new items to sell.

The stuff I do have that I did panic sell to avoid moving is still in a box somewhere. I don’t really want items to start selling, and then I have to dig through boxes to find them. I probably could start going through the boxes to find what all I don’t want and get it sold.