Day 112: Surgery

Surgery wasn’t very fun. Last night, I watched the Cleveland Cavs game on the hospital TV, and then went to sleep. My surgery was scheduled for 6:30am today. However, people constantly came into my room to take my vital signs making it really hard to sleep.

At 5:30am, they woke me up, gave me towels, and told me to clean up, the doctor will be here in an hour. Then I had to give a blood sample.

I really did not want to get up, but now they left all the lights on, so I figured I should get this over with. The towels had soap in them, which I wasn’t a fan of.

After washing up with them, I put on my stupid hospital gown which I never fully had on. After coming into the ER, the first nurse wanted me to undress and put it on, but when she got the second nurse, he told me to just take of my shirt and put it on, so that he can jam the IV into me.

That was the farther I ever gotten with it until now. Doing all this didn’t take me very much time, so waking me up an hour early was overkill.

The doctor was also late. So I am sitting there, still tired, but also really bored. I did get my laptop yesterday, and with the free hospital wifi, I was able to log in and do some client work.

The doctor came in and told me what was going to happen, and then shortly after that, I was taken downstairs to the operating room. I really hated the part where they wheel the bed through the hallways past everyone.

Everyone is telling me how safe the operation is and to not be scared. The nurse who was helping with the anesthesia asked if I got out of school to have the operation. I told her I got out of work, and she said I had a baby face. The other nurse said that when I confirmed my birthday, I said 1985, making me 30 years old.

She then said I really had a baby face and was actually older than her. I am thinking everyone assumed I was really young and scared of being operated on, even though I didn’t really care. I knew I would breath in some happy gas, remember nothing, and wake up when it was over.

Not only would I breath some happy gas, I was also going to be numb with Novocaine for 6 hours. The operation would take 1 hour leaving me with a 5 hour buffer.

I then woke up and was taken back to my room. It hurt a little, and I fell asleep again. I kept having to go to the bathroom, though. By 2:00pm, I was discharged. Once I got home, it seemed alright until I laid down.

Sitting and standing wasn’t too painful, but not all that comfortable either. Laying down hurt really bad to the point I would have to stand up. I started watching TV since I could sit for that.

Eventually I figured I would need to sleep, and that would make it easy to get through the pain. That didn’t happen. Since I was laying down in the hospital bed, I knew I was once able to do it. The bed was tilted up, though, so I wasn’t actually laying down flat.

I grabbed some towels, threw them on my bed, and then set my pillow on them so I would be propped up. The pain was still there, but not nearly as bad. I finally went to sleep.