I was pretty excited to find out the remaining conditions were finally met. However, shortly after I ran into issues and couldn’t do any work. The vendor relations person is new, joining at the tail end of my last stint there. That, combined with the fact that I am not actually new, but a returning vendor, makes this whole process even more complicated.
I got to spend most of my time filling out help form requests and then just waiting. The way access is granted is a multi-person ordeal, which means the amount of time it actually takes to get the access I need to do the work is quite high. When I first started, the entire process was kicked off before I joined so that all the access required was in place by the time I was officially on board.
I did manage to get another sale from an ecommerce site. This site is entirely drop shipped, and one that hasn’t gotten much traffic. Getting an order out of the blue was quite a surprise. I did run some sales last year during Black Friday, which generate a couple sales that actually lost money. Getting a sale now with no advertising and at full price makes the day less of a waste.
Other than that, not much else is going on. I haven’t had any time to continue with the WordPress plugin and eBay sales are still going at the pace they want to go…which isn’t a very good one.