I am still getting client work assigned to me with a delivery date being the same day. Every time I get tasks done, I get more right after. I am ending the week with more tasks than I started with, and the ones I get are due the same day. I am trying to get all that need to be completed to avoid having to do mandatory weekend work.
This isn’t easy, however. First, there is still a lot of work, and second, I don’t think anyone really has any idea what the priority should be. The tasks seemed randomly picked, and a group of tasks around the same section of code aren’t grouped with the due date.
That means I am doing work with a certain set of files, jumping to something else for the next task, and then coming back to the first set for the following task. This seems like it could be more efficient if things were grouped better.
No one else seems to be hitting their due dates either. I am getting the feeling that going full throttle to meet deadlines might just burn me out for no reason. No one else is doing it, and it seems like we are still a far way away. Even if I did get all the work assigned to me done this week, we are still aren’t ready to go live.
eBay sales have been picking up even more, and today is invoicing day for client work. That makes today pretty profitable.