Day 40: Lower eBay Sales & More Sleep

eBay sales came in at just above $2. That’s not too impressive. Also unimpressive is what I managed to get done today. It as basically more client work followed by sleep.

eBay sales are slowing down, but I still have a several items left to sell. What makes me nervous, though, is the amount of packing supplies I have left.

Soon, I will be entirely out of supplies, and buying more with the rate that I am selling seems like a waste. I am thinking about using other supplies, even if bigger than needed, just to avoid having to spend more money.

I also need to go through all the items and make sure they are still on eBay to begin with. I like to list items slightly lower in terms of quantity than I actually have. That way, if one item is broken before sending, gets lost in the mail, or any other thing happens where I might have to resend, I have more available without the risk of overselling.

It seems like some of the items where I only have 1 or 2 remaining are actually off eBay entirely. These will never sell unless I get around to relisting. Updating the quantity and getting everything online again would at least help with the slower eBay sales. Plus, I am getting tired of all this stuff lying around.