Day 91: Should Be Packing

The worst thing about moving is packing up everything and then loading the truck. I typically wait until the last minute and then really scramble to get everything done. Knowing that I am moving at the end of next week, I really need to start packing up.

With over a week to go, though, packing up all my clothes and kitchen stuff is really inconvenient for the remainder of the time I am here. I am looking through some stuff to see if I can just eBay some of it to get rid of it.

I still have a few boxes that were never unpacked, and were originally packed up as a part of the last minute scramble I am trying to avoid now. I am thinking it’s time to either sell it or throw it away since I clearly don’t use it or need it.

I probably won’t count anything I sell to avoid moving as a part of the income reports since moving and getting rid of stuff really isn’t too scalable or even repeatable. For anyone starting out, it may be a good way to get a little extra money to use for Facebook ads or to springboard an idea, but for me, selling the stuff is less about the money and more about not having to do the work to move it.

I have lowered some eBay prices to try to sell out of some items before having to move, but I don’t think that will go too well.