A New Year, A New Strategy

So I got until May before the posts stopped being published on a regular basis. I have hundreds of other posts that are partially written, but never got to the point to actually publish. I just published them anyway, but most are missing the daily income report numbers. I published them since it fills in the gaps between what happened since the last real post to now.

A quick summary of the year and a half I ignored:

  • Getting involved in rental property, I managed to get up to 9 houses. Looking to pick up a 10th sometime soon.
  • The new job in Pittsburgh wasn’t great. I stayed until the end of January, 2017, and then head to North Carolina.
  • The early client work has all ended. I did pick up an additional client to do work for, that happened right as I left Pittsburgh. I got to spend a couple days in Michigan.
  • The original Chicago client work is still going. In August, 2017, I went back to Chicago for an in-person meeting. I am currently still doing work.
  • The bitcoins I bought exploded. The price rallying through the end of 2017 made for some good profits.
  • The business I talked about here went through along with the business that didn’t work out. It was picked up by someone else, ran for a year, and then I bought it. I started with 1 location and that grew to 3 locations as of now.
  • After looking at point of sale software, I decided to just make my own. Now I am considering offering it as a SaaS option for some recurring income.

The plan of posting daily really got boring after awhile. Most of the posts involved me doing nothing and sleeping, which made writing way too difficult. The new plan is to follow a similar plan, but post less frequent with more quality. Instead of posting what happened per day, I plan on posting more about what I did, even if doing what I did multiple days. That way, it’s easier to follow just on the topics you actually care about instead of reading through each day to see if I did anything related to what you are looking for.