Day 162: Not Productive

So after all the talk about doing some pre-selling, building a mailing list, and selling some websites, today I nothing of any value. I was hoping to get some stuff set up or at least planned out for the website selling idea.

I didn’t do anything, though. I have a lead magnet ebook along with a mailing list for website buyers, but they are from a year or two ago. I wanted to get the ebook updated, and then email the list to see if anyone is still interested.

I have a few sites that could be ready to be sold off now that I just wanted to clean up. I didn’t do any of this, though.

If I could get the websites ready, get them listed on my website, and then email the list, I could do some more branding ads directed towards the website. If someone happened to be in a buying mood, they could do so immediately.

I could also run more targeted ads towards the ebook and work on increasing the numbers of subscribers. When I have more sites to sell, I could send out the emails, and hopefully get a few sold quickly.

I didn’t work on any of though.